Do you like to dive right in? #truthin5 with author and LSW, Jenny Muscatell, brings you five minutes of inspiration, encouragement, and biblical truth every Friday and Saturday at 5:55pm EST on Christian Mix 106. Produced by Jenny Muscatell and Christian Mix 106 - where you will hear four decades of the best mix of christian music, devotionals, talk and podcasts.
85 episodes
#truthin5 | When You Need Rest
#truthin5 | When You Need RestSometimes we forget that we all have a common enemy, but Jesus came so that we may have life and have it to the full. Key Scriptures:John 10:10Matthew 11:28-30Ps...
Season 5
Episode 6

#truthin5 | Doers of the Word
#truthin5 | Doers of the WordLet's consider the difference between listening and doing. Key Scriptures:James 1:19-27Philippians 3:201 Peter 2:1-25Colossians 3:2
Season 5
Episode 5

#truthin5 | Reason to Praise
#truthin5 | Reason to PraiseDo you ever feel hardened a bit when things don't go as expected. It's easy to praise God in the good times, and also often in the difficult, but what about those times in between joyful praise and raw depende...
Season 5
Episode 4

#truthin5 | Mud Season
#truthin5 | Mud SeasonSometimes in life when we start to sink, we panic but the bible has some really great advice to help us get unstuck. Key Scriptures:Isaiah 43:18-191 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Season 5
Episode 3

#truthin5 | Counting Blessings Not Burdens
#truthin5 | Counting Blessings Not BurdensWhen burdens pile high, as they sometimes do, we can have the tendency to count our burdens instead of our blessings, but we serve a God who is bigger that our burdens - a God who is faithful. &n...
Season 5
Episode 2

#truthin5 | If Only
#truthin5 | If OnlyHave you ever uttered the words, if only? Those two words, when bundled together, can mean a great variety of things, and if we are not careful, we may find ourselves looking for people, places, and things to satisfy u...
Season 5
Episode 1

#truthin5 | A Life Worthy
#truthin5 | A Life WorthyLately, it seems that everywhere we look, temptations exist that can lead our hearts astray. We have an enemy who comes like a thief in the night to steal and destroy, and enemy who causes hate and divisio...
Season 4
Episode 24

#truthin5 | Where's the Clutch?
#truthin5 | Where's the Clutch? Have you ever been in a difficult situation that has required you to repeatedly shift gears in order to make it to your destination, only to find yourself still reaching for the clutch after the storm has...
Season 4
Episode 23

#truthin5 | The Smile of Peace
#truthin5 | The Smile of PeaceGod speaks to us in a variety of ways and even uses humor when we need the mood lightened. Key Scriptures: Hebrews 1:1-2Numbers 6:22-26
Season 4
Episode 22

#truthin5 | Now that's a Prayer
#truthin5 | Now that's a PrayerLet's pray the prayer that stands the test of time and give praise to the One who made it all. Key Scriptures: Ephesians 1www.jennymuscat...
Season 4
Episode 21

#truthin5 | True Rest
#truthin5 | True RestWhere do we find true rest? A closer look at the Sabbath. Key Scriptures: Psalm 92Genesis 1www.jennymuscatell.com
Season 4
Episode 19

#truthin5 | Better Than That
#truthin5 | Better Than ThatThink of the person who knows you better than anyone in this world. Do you know that there is someone not of this world who knows you even better than that? Key Scriptures:Psalm 139Psalm 71
Season 4
Episode 18

#truthin5 | The Softer Side
#truthin5 | The Softer SideLet's take a look at the softer side of Job's friends. Key Scriptures: The Book of Jobwww.jennymuscatell.com
Season 4
Episode 17

#truthin5 | The Gift of Encouragement
#truthin5 | The Gift of EncouragementPaul has some great advice on how we can encourage one another. Key Scriptures:Philippians 11 Corinthians 1:10www.jennymusc...
Season 4
Episode 16

#truthin5 | Earthen Vessels
#truthin5 | Earthen VesselsI can’t help but notice the sun’s golden glow. It shines a bit different this time of year, warmer and brighter, and it makes me think of God’s light and how we are to share it with those around us.2 C...
Season 4
Episode 15

#truthin5 | Hope is a Powerful Thing
#truthin5 | Hope is a Powerful ThingHope is a powerful thing, but it's power rests in the place in which we place it. Key Scriptures:Isaiah 6Isaiah 40www.jennymuscat...
Season 4
Episode 14

#truthin5 | It Still Rains
#truthin5 | It Still RainsWe've all heard that saying, "When it rains it pours." But have you ever noticed how when it pours it still rains? Key Scriptures:1 Peter 4:12Ephesians 2:101 Peter 5:10Revelation 3:20
Season 4
Episode 13

#truthin5 | When the Fog Clears
#truthin5 | When the Fog ClearsIsn’t it a beautiful thing when the fog clears? Have you ever felt that way in life? Paul talks about this in 1 Corinthians 13:12 when he says, "For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we sha...
Season 4
Episode 12

#truthin5 | Simple Steps
#truthin5 | Simple StepsWhen is the last time you remember truly feeling present in the moment? Were you with a certain person, or engaging a particular activity that you enjoy? As you reflect on that moment, how does it make you feel? ...
Season 4
Episode 11

#truthin5 | Until They Do
#truthin5 | Until They DoSometimes things just don’t make a lot of sense, that is, at least, until they do. As we look to the end times, how can we draw strength and increase our faith by studying the events surrounding the birth of Jes...
Season 4
Episode 10

#truthin5 | One Powerful Question
#truthin5 | One Powerful QuestionIn Matthew 16:15-16 Jesus asks Simon Peter, "But what about you? Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answers him and says, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”What a beautiful and pow...
Season 4
Episode 9

#truthin5 | Finding the Lovely
#truthin5 | The LovelyThere is power in a positive mindset and the importance of focusing on these things should not be underestimated. Key Scriptures: Philippians 4:82 Corinthians 12:10Romans 5:3-41 Peter 1:3-9<...
Season 4
Episode 8

#truthin5 | The Gift that Keeps on Giving
#truthin5 | The Gift that Keeps on GivingJesus is a gift that keeps on giving. And when we hear His voice, and follow His way, every decision we make, big or small, will be guided by the holy right hand of God. Key Scriptures...
Season 4
Episode 7